Posted August 17, 2021
Wintergreen’s Men’s Night is up and running this year. All the games and proxies are back to add to the fun on Thursday. The fun starts every Thursday at 2pm. Proxies are on # 1 Pro Shop, long drive, #3 Riverside Golf Center, closest to the pin, #6 Powderhorn Saloon, weeds water and sand draw, #7 Rav and Mike, closest to the pin, #8 Wintergreen lounge, land in the circle for dinner, #9 Cowell Capital, long putt.
$10 to enter the Low net, $5 for the Deuce pot.
You must be a registered member of Wintergreens Men’s Night to enjoy the discounted rate of $49 + GST, $13 cart fee per seat.
Registration fee is $30, your fee will pay for dinner on the men’s Night Final September 2nd.
Brooke and the food and beverage staff will have dinner specials every Thursday. Beer specials at the Half Way Shack too.