Posted March 10, 2019
Senior Men’s Interclub – A Call for Players
Once again Kit Roberts is looking for Wintergreen seniors 55 years and over (including those members who are currently 54 and who will turn 55 in the current calendar year) to participate in this year’s Calgary & District Senior Men’s Interclub competition. Matches are a home and home series, normally scheduled for Wednesday mornings. Each week four players (2 low handicap and 2 high handicap) from Wintergreen will play a match against another club in our League. Scoring is a “best ball” three (3) point Nassau (1 point each for the front nine, back nine, and aggregate), with “A” players (handicap index of 15.0 or lower) playing against each other and “B” players (handicap index of 15.1 and up) playing against each other. The home teams would be the hosts for the visiting teams with regards to drinks, meals, and snacks. In the past we have played at clubs such as Priddis, Glencoe, Valley Ridge, Canyon Meadows, and Carstairs to name a few. There is no cost to join Wintergreen’s Team. Senior’s Interclub is an excellent way to meet new golfers and play a variety of courses without paying green fees (power carts are optional at a cost). There also is a large wind-up tournament in early September with many prizes and a great meal for a very reasonable price (normally $75). Competition begins in late May. If you are at all interested, regardless of your handicap, please email Kit at as soon as possible.